Stories Of The Prophets
Why should I or my child study this course?
This course is not one of these kinds of colored pictured ‘Stories of the prophets for children’ .. No!
Stories of the Prophets used to be “Short Stories” of the prophets before Prophet Muhammad! .. excluding Prophet Muhammad .. the relation between Prophet Muhammad and his brothers of prophets is not shown well.
Here, we’re joining this missing part.
What shall I or my child learn?
Here, we teach the true {Story Of Faith}, from A to Z.
Starting from when Allah created the world and us, starting from Adam himself, through Prophet Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus until Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them all, in One Connected Course!
We’re cleaning the Story Of Faith from the Jewish and Christian distortion.
And also Explain how the shift from 99% Disbelievers at the time of prophet Noah, to 99% Believers at the time of prophet Muhammad happened!
Asking the required questions in their right place, and answering the concise correct answers.
We’re following the journey of the religious struggle transit by transit until it was crowned by the ultimate success by Prophet Muhammad PBUH.